1. Which Relay link do you want to ride?
San Jose to Palo Alto, Palo Alto to San Jose, Berkeley to Oakland
2. How you found us
The National Bicycle Greenway website & Martin Krieg
3. Why you want to do this ride
Anything to support and promote the bicycle as a primary means of transportation.
4. Tell us about your touring experience- if little or none, indicate
many miles have you ridden over the last year:
My touring experience is little to none, I have in the past ridden long distances over hilly terrain without too much complaint...I have ridden over 600 miles in the last year.
5. Tell us about your bike
It is a Rideable Bicycle Replica Standard 48" hi-wheel
6. Describe your training regimen
I ride my bike everywhere I go--it is my primary means of transportation.
7. How are you making time for this
Just Do It! (Taking time off work).
8. What are your fears about doing this ride
That I will be out of town and not able to participate. .
9. Do you have any special skills that you feel would benefit the Mayors' Ride?
Computers? .
10. Do you have any personal contacts that you feel could help the National Bicycle Greenway or the Mayors' Ride? If so, please list them here:
To what end? Happy to help.
11. Anything else you'd like to share with us?
I use my bicycle as my primary means of transportation, with the exception of when I am with my family...or in social situations which sometimes necessitates my driving with my wife and kids. I hope to be personally car-less in the not too distant future. I have 8 bicycles, which I use for different purposes and I am in the process of designing and building my own bicycle, which I had prototyped in college--to replace my car--and this prompted me to start ebrary, my current company.
E-mail: warnock@ebrary.com