Mayors' Ride Bios - John Lozier

1. Which Relay link do you want to ride?

Morgantown, WV to Pittsburgh

2. How you found us

Nick Hein

3. Why you want to do this ride

I like the idea of National Bicycle Greenway.

4. Tell us about your touring experience- if little or none, indicate many miles have you ridden over the last year:

Not a lot of touring, but 20 years of daily commuting, about 5 miles a day.

5.  Tell us about your bike

Specialized Crossroads diamond frame. I also pull a Yakima one-wheel trailer.

6. Describe your training regimen

Daily commuting 5 miles, plus longer rides on weekends, etc. My longest ride ever was 100 miles, Morgantown to Cumberland, MD where my bike broke down (on my way to Washington, DC last year to participate in the NBG ride).

 7. How are you making time for this


8. What are your fears about doing this ride

No fears

9. Do you have any special skills that you feel would benefit the Mayors' Ride?

I play the folk harp, and will carry a small harp with me on the ride.

10. If you are involved with other non-profit organizations, please tell us about them:

Harping for Harmony Foundation

10. Anything else you'd like to share with us?

After my bike broke down in Cumberland last year, I ended up driving Nick Hein to DC, and rode around with him for a day on one of his extra recumbants. Great bike! .
