Mayors' Ride Bios - Skot Paschal.
He passed away 4-22-06

1. Which Relay link do you want to ride?

Monterey to Santa Cruz
(was Boise to Eugene until diagnosed with cancer. Here is the newspaper article - NBG Staff)

2. How you found us

The stars led me.

3. Why you want to do this ride

Fame and Fortune.

4. Tell us about your touring experience- if little or none, indicate many miles have you ridden over the last year:

2X Trans Am
2004 NBG:Boise-Salt Lake City (slide show)
2003 NBG:Eugene-Napa (slide show)
2002 NBG:Boise-Portland
Santa Cruz-Yellowstone
Lassen-Santa Cruz(Spine of the Sierra)
San Diego CA-Dodge KS
Up and down PCH
Portland Maine-Bar Harbor

5. Tell us about your bike

She is my friend. I love her.

6. Describe your training regimen

From intense to nada.

7. How are you making time for this

Summer vacation - I'm a schoolteacher.

8. What are your fears about doing this ride

Ending up in Kentucky..

9. Do you have any special skills that you feel would benefit the Mayors' Ride?

I go where others never dare. .

10. Do you have any personal contacts that you feel could help the National Bicycle Greenway or the Mayors' Ride? If so, please list them here:


11. If you are involved with other non-profit organizations, please tell us about them

Paschalville, the website I run for my schoolkids
