With almost predictable regularity, I hear that we need a Busycle 2.0 with the latest in HiTech componentry. Besides telling those that suggest such a thing that our Busycle as it is, is just fine, that it is a spoof on our rampant materialism/consumerism, I can now offer the alarming Story of Stuff:
(double click the above image to see it)
Or go to: http://www.storyofstuff.com
You see our Busycle is a parody of all that's wrong with our throw away society. As a vehicle that brings joy and community to the non discerning consumers that most all of us have become, it is a happy story story of stuff. Made from discarded items, it expands the possibility consciousness for not only the way we discard items but for how we foresee their usable life even before we endeavor to make them real.
The above piece is so important, I feel it is my moral obligation to spread it around...
THX 4 all of U!!
While our 2008 Mayors' Ride is starting to heat up starting with exciting bike routes at our new map site: http://www.bikeroute.com/brdc , here are two important pieces of news that can do a lot to shift consciousness:
In Portland, OR, despite all the rain and dark skies they get up there, they still ride bikes. A lot. And they know how to come together as community, even for those of their two wheel brethren who need to make a move. A house move that is!! By bike, no less.
Double click on the image below to see the excellent video that shows all this fun that can be had in doing one of the things most people dread most:
Even as the pace of innovation quickens so rapidly that we almost take it for granted, every few weeks a real show stopper still manages to capture our imagination. Tom Kabat of woodenbikes.com forwards one such invention that I know is rocking my world. Toward that end, I exhort you to get a look at the short video I present here. Called the Human Car, it has the capacity to catapult the mass consciousness for the healing of our planet to a whole new level.
Double click on the image below and see if you don't agree:
The Human Car Co can be found at: http://humancar.com/indezalpha.html