- Our ride from San Francisco to Boston starts (unofficially) tomorrow night when our Busycle, probably the most photographed vehicle in the world, will be at the head of Critical Mass this Friday and will be giving demonstration rides for San Francisco Bike Coalition (SFBC) members in Golden Gate Park on Sunday as per http://www.sfbike.org/?chain. At present, we are working out the details for riding it up Market St and to City Hall for a reception we are trying to get together with Mayor Newsom but his office does have their 2008 proclamation ready for us and all systems are up, operational and set to go for the 6th annual ride to Beantown! I don't know if our ride to the Civic Center, a ride that is sure to shake up the city, will take place on Monday, 4/28 or Tuesday, 4/29, but do know that I will keep you posted!!!
In other news (there is so much to talk about so I will be brief):
- Our 15-person pedal truck, the Busycle that Matthew Mazzotta and Heather Clarke gave birth to in Boston and raised, in part, at MIT, has been invited to the
- Our ride from Oakland City Hall to Berkeley City Hall will, as most of you already know be ushered by Oakland Councillor Nancy Nadel and Berkeley Councillor Kriss Worthington. What's new is that we will be riding to our reception with Mr Traffic Calming, Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates (hear the podcast I did with mayor Tom
- From there Tom Ayres, PhD, who also created the Berkeley to Napa bike route that your can find at our schedule/scorecard will be joined by Allison Chalken, PhD, and Barry Burr, two more dynamos that you can learn more about as well at http://www.BikeRoute.com/NationalMayorsRide2008
- Our ride from Sacramento to Folsom on 25 of the best bike miles in the world, just keeps getting better. Peter Wagner the Bike Guy of Davis, CA just signed on. He will be riding one of his zany and thoroughly capable machines with us to the picnic reception that the city of Folsom is working up for us.
Peter Wagner
- We also just heard from Rancho Cordova Mayor Linda Budge. She has "deputized" some of her Public Works" staff to ride the rest of the way to Folsom with us (Rancho Cordova is at the half way point) as well as make sure we are refreshed with fruit and cold drink once we reach the beautiful park that is their part of the river bikeway
- If you've not been to our maps yet, THX to Grey Lowell, they keep getting easier and more and more fun to use. Toward that end, even our instructions are improving:
For Fun:
- How BIke aware are you:
- Why driving is raising the cost of food
- Car Free Sat GG Park starts 4/4 for 6 mos
_ The documentary feature that the Korean TV station did of our Busycle is now out!! It is fabulously done and exciting to see. Soon I will get it on to Youtube so all of U can see what I mean. Toward that end, Dan Kottke, employee Number One at Apple Computer and Steve Job's one time best friend, has offered to help me get it digitized...
- Here is the visit we did to the home.museum of lving legend Jack Castor:
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
~ Winston Churchill ~