Most all of the important shakers and movers from the Reno cycling community were out in force for Reno NBG Day last Thursday May 8. There Mayor Bob Cashell presented them with the 2008 Reno NBG Day proclamation detailed at the end here. The two wheel giants that you see pictured with Mayor Cashell below are from L to R:
Tim Healion (Commander in Chief of the Tour de Nez bike race), Mike Galioto (Maker of GSR bicycles)
Cliff Young (Member of Nevada Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee), Bob Cashell (Reno Mayor), Dave Aiazzi (City Councilman) , Ernie McNeill (Vice President-Procrastinating Pedalers), Mike Damon (Former president-Reno Wheelmen), Mark Trujillo (Owner of Waldens Coffee Shop - gathering point for many local cyclists)
You can learn more about Reno cycling at the Reno NBG Biking page:
At the present time, we have 15 of the 22 cities I will be visiting (with my Mayors' Ride Author Tour) in the summer of 2009 up and on line. With Salt Lake city as our next stop as per our schedule/scorecard at , we expect to have all 22 of our NBG Biking cities fully fleshed out by the Fall.
As for Reno, soon the following document will replace
Reno NBG Day May 8!
WHEREAS, the bicycle was the first personal transportation vehicle
and a century ago was an important part of American culture; and
WHEREAS, the City of Reno recognizes the National Bicycle Greenway
(NBG) mission to build our city into its network of bike-friendly
roads and bicycle pathways that will connect Boston with San
Francisco as America returns to the rich two wheel heritage that
this country once enjoyed; and
WHEREAS, cyclists from the National Bicycle Greenway annual Mayors'
Ride will making their sixth visit to our city; and
WHEREAS. Greg Lemond, learned the biking skills he needed on Reno's
roads and back roads to go on to become the first American to win
the Tour DeFrance thereby revitalizing bicycling in America; and
WHEREAS. the Reno based Tour De Nez, showcases clean energy for more
and more Americans every year with its festivals, expos and bike
races as it keeps the spirit of Greg Lemond's message alive.
THX 4 all of U!!