When I asked Karen Anderson, of the National Park Service, what she knew about the Missouri River Bike Bridge, she told me that while she sees it being built out her office window, that she didn't know any of the specifics. However, she did promise to get back to me with some links. And WoW, did she hit a home run! Look at this pdf that she found hidden deep within the belly of the HNTB Architecture, the bridge's builders, web site:
It even commends Mayor Fahey for the strength of his will in making this landmark structure affordable for the city.
Pictured below are the people who came out to honor Omaha's connection to the San Francisco to Boston National Bicycle Greenway route, as they also gave face to an important historical precedent. When Thomas Stevens became the first man to pedal a bike across America in 1884, he had to hire a boat to get him to Council Bluffs. Now THX to the persistence of Mayor Fahey and many of those at City Hall for Omaha NBG Day pictured below, for the first time in history, man will be able to walk or bike from one state, Nebraska, to the other, Iowa!!
L-R, Al Lin, Recreation Coordinator for the Univ. of Neb. Med. Center, Julie Harris, Activate Omaha, Karen Anderson, National Park Service, Gerry Bowen, Papio-Missouri Natural Resources District, Mayor Fahey, Denny Duer, Bikeable Communities! Patrick McNamara, Omaha Community Foundation, Kent McNeil,, Bike Shop Owner, Kerri Peterson, Our Healthy Communities Partnership, Vickie & Jim Rubeck, Omaha Bike Pedalers
The NBG celebration of Omaha biking can be found at: http://www.bikeroute.com/NBGBikingCities/Omaha